THE DIALOUGE BOXES, An Intervention in Raikhad

  • Student Anindya Raina
  • Code UA0215
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Unit L3 Studio Unit
  • Tutor/s Jayant Gunjaria ,Viral Bhavsar


Pull towards the site through the mass and contrasting free ground. Stay due to the accessibility to ground and connection through the detached mass on the ground. To give back to the society around the site and availability to the art. Idea of Breaking the mass and connecting the already existing distinction on site that is the two half of it.Site being a in an urban setting and has the possibility to effect the movement on the site and around it, facing a dense fabric around freeing the ground is the first thought that comes to ones mind, leading to a plaza that not just for the built but for the people who are going to be around it the most. Splitting the built in two and creating an axis through an open space between them.