This project focuses on reshaping the everyday use of a very common, busy and eventful street in order to have a very effective use of all urban elements that the street consists of. To create a balance between all the economic practices that runs and create a system altogether. With focusing on the major elements, The street edge, Grocery zone and Public space, acting as a kit of parts of a street and re-configuring the usage and spatial formation of these kits. To make a porous and continuous system rather than a monotonous and interrupting.
A residential street which acts as a connector of the neighborhood. Site analysis done on the basis of the interviews conducted with the residents and users of the street. Proposed plan of the street, focusing on 3 major kits of the street. Edge, Grocery zone and the public space. Re imagining the use of the edge to create a soft corner in a busy road, scope of re-shaping. Axonometric view of the design near the street edge. Transitioning the use of the grocery lane into a bazaar street to optimize the use of the grocery and vendors.Two phases of the grocery zone throughout the day Re-shaping the public space for better connectivity between the users and the suppliers. before and after scenario explained which facilitates the usage of the spillover space. visualization of the Public space and its usage.