The project aims to design an interactive and programmatic public space and street edge condition that will provide more choices to the residents of the neighbourhood to engage in more recreational interests. The design is people centric where the street acts as a kit of parts functioning as a container of human activities than just being a connector. The design supports life engagements while bringing more freedom and opportunities both for the residents and the vendors. It aims to provide the best possible user experience by helping people to reclaim the streets while supporting their daily activities through the design.
The neighbourhood map showing the built use and explaining the existing character of the intervening spaces i.e. the street edge, small public space and a grocery store.Mapping the daily activities of different user groups, analyzing the movement patterns and understanding the existing conditions of the street. Tracing the trajectory of different user groups to analyze the pause points and moving pattern. The existing site conditions of the street. The proposed design for the street edge, public space and the grocery store. The proposed book exchange near the hill temple. The proposed grocery store and street edge interventions. Sectional elevations of the entire stretch showing the intervened conditions. Temporal plan showing the vendors taking over the space during special festive occasions. Tracing the new possible trajectory of different user groups after the respective interventions.