Flow - Connecting spaces, connecting people

  • Student C M Sanandana
  • Code UA1517
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Soumitro Ghosh ,Nisha mathew Ghosh
  • TA Nilosha Dave


Ballari is a 2-tier city of north Karnataka in India. The city is continuously expanding as the peripheral agricultural land is being converted into residential plots. As a result, the rate of resource consumption is increasing exponentially. Ballari, an area rich in iron ore is infamous for illegal mining in its hills and is home to a number of quarries; but once the resources are guzzled, they are simply abandoned. The project looks at one such abandoned quarry located in the heart of the city. Rain water got collected in the quarry pit over the years and has been stagnant there ever since . Later, a park was built around the lake but the water remained stagnant. The intention is to understand the urban fabric around it and try to respond and respect the water body thus formed. The intervention tries to turn the lake and the area around it into a self-sustaining eco-system instead of a beautification element for the city. The intervention would try to bridge the gap formed between the lake and the city and would also try to revitalize the water collected for the benefit of the city. The design was fueled  by a thought process inspired by words and the connections they make; for words have the power to open up new realms every time they are invoked.