The final project is a result of a series of exercises like mindmaps, Studies from Rem Koolhas, building Case studies, studies on Time, neighbourhood documentation, and designing neighbourhood-specific Follies. The site for the final project an empty plot owned by AMC in Motera, Ahmedabad. The plot has no built-up and strong edge for land demarcation and is allocated to the hawkers ( mostly food stalls). The idea of the design comes from the situation of the existence of various classes in the neighbourhood and hence ward office tends to become an extrovert building for people, breaking the banal character of government offices.
Mindmap and Case study Flashcards:
"Mindmaps"- First exercise was to create three different mind maps trying to collate the different but connected discussions we had on "Public and Architecture, Concept of Time and Idea of Keyword".
"Building Case Study Flashcards"- Three flashcards of 7 different case studies were made, each consisting of an image and text. Purpose was to pick out the idea which we liked the most about building on the basis of case study we did to understand them.
Elements of Architecture- Rem Koolhaas book study:
Exercise was about selecting 5 ideas/concepts/propositions from the book on "Facade" and 3 ideas from book on "Balcony" and understand how book discusses architecture form/structure/elements in the said context, under the said idea and topic. Intent was to learn the process of relating architectural elements and design processes to more conceptual and philosophical ideas and concerns.
Activity Mapping of neighbourhood:
Exercise was to select 5 different activities in our neighbourhood which are seminal and interests us, from longer list of 21 activity-events identified. A set of architectural and activity drawings of each activity-event were made to understand its location and space, activity behaviour vis-a-vis space, as well as working and organisation of work within the dimensions and materials of the space.
Accordion books of neighbourhood walks and Ideas of time:
"Neighbourhood Walks"- Exercise was to walk a length and extent of the neighborhood, trying to understand the familiar as well as the unfamiliar, exploring the limits of what one know and what one can explore and figure out for self what is part of our neighborhood, and to what extent. Three such walks were documented using series of photographs capturing our experience as walker and how neighborhood experience itself.
"Ideas of Time"
- After understanding the concept of time through various discussions, reading poetry, looking at art, concepts in literature or cinema, two Accordian book were made on idea of time each with 12 flashcards consisting image and text. Book one was about how we experience time in our own personal world, in home, around us, through objects or varied activities whereas second book was about elements and activities, objects and material narratives in the neighbourhood which we see as an idea of tiRed Follies as Time in neighborhood: Exercise was to design-insert a RED FOLLY in three activities/event mapped previously, to highlight the neighbourhood corner as it already exists and understand what idea of TIME that lives in the neighbourhood can this FOLLY bring to the forefront or highlight from the existing experience of the neighbourhood. Design elements for the folly: 4 red cube-frames measuring 2.0 X 2.0 M. You could use 1/2 Ring/s measuring 2.0 M diameter of any colour. + you could include one architectural element.
RED FOLLY 1- The first folly is situated next to a flower stall on a footpath at a cross junction, highlighting the evident dynamic character of cart and hawkers who situate themselves around the cross road. Folly also try to take in the articulated form of jali detail as an architectural element, from the compound wall behind the location.
Red Follies as Time in neighborhood:
RED FOLLY 2- The second folly is situated next to AMTS bus stop on the busy road of NCG area in my neighbourhood. The idea of folly is to break the horizontaal character of bus stop and extrude it self vertically with each cube showing the character of activeness and inactiveness corresponding to site. As an element, curved pipe from the bus stop has been articulated to bring the vertical and active inactive character of folly.
RED FOLLY 3- The third folly is situation next to a mosquito and umbrella seller (roadside shop), on Visat-Gandhinagar highway. The folly takes in the character of the context by resembling the sense of shelter that tree on site provides to the activity happening there. Also it takes in the idea of hanging from the net seller and use the element of ring and metal net to fit in the location and mark its identity through characters adapted from the site and activity.Blue Follies as Public in neighborhood: Exercise was to use images, designs, and ideas of the BALCONIES as well as elements and design-constructions that make and shape a BALCONY from our Neighbourhood to develop two site-specific FOLLIES in our neighbourhood along with idea collage for each.
The Folly are built within a volume of 4.0 X 4.0 M base and 8.0 M height.
BLUE FOLLY 1- The first blue folly situates itself next to the workers tent made using tarpaulin and circular section of wood, PVC pipe and metal. In front of them lies the apartment with circular balconies jutting out from corner, hence idea was to introduce blue folly as an element of identity and resemblance for the workers establishment who are devoid of such artistic, individual and collective/intimate element of architecture: Balcony.
BLUE FOLLY 2- The second folly situates itself on a public garden next to Visat-Gandhinagar highway, exposed to three big commercial complexes that lies on site. The idea of the foFinal design (Municipal Ward Office and Public Services) Concept Posters: For final output design of studio, three concept posters were made with each different ideas that our design would inculcate.
Idea Poster 1 (Neighborhood): Observing from neighbourhood walks, a stark presence of people of varied classes is found, hence the municipal ward office manifest the idea of unlevel or different level but in contrary to reality, built form allows opportunity for all people to be together hence making itself a building of people along with building for people.
Idea Poster 2 (Time): Taking from blue folly, idea to create event or let it arise on the built form and creating movement of people throughout the terrace or path. Using Glass block as a source of light as the site suffers from lack of sunlight after 12PM due to shadow of commercial building next to it and through that glass block, presence of people is felt, in and out as the circulation happens.
Idea Poster 3 (ArchitecturSection and PlansAxo, Elevations and Views