The final project is a result of series of exercises like mindmaps, Studies from Rem Koolhas, Building Case studies, studies on Time, Neighborhood documentation and Designing neighborhood specific Follies. The site for the final project is an abandoned ground in Nehrunagar area, Ahmedabad. The functionality of the project revolves around the need for public functions that are specifics to the area from the Urban plinth, Balwadi , along with the Municipal ward office. The idea is to use the wall as a folly like element, starting from the edges of the building to the internal street of the building with the series of punchers which becomes the various events in the building
Building Case study FlashcardsElements of Architecture- Rem Koolhaas book study
Facade study,
Balcony studyActivity Mapping of Nehrunagar Neighbourhood:
1. Seasonal shops
2. Chai Tapari
3. Pan corner
Accordion books of neighborhood walks and Ideas of time
The Neighbourhood walks are divided into three parts,
First is the around the Nehrunagar circle and the edges of the road
Second is from the markets of my neighbourhood
Third walk is from the internal residential streetsRed Follies as Time in neighborhood
Folly 1 location : Near Nehru statue
Folly 2 location:
Seasonal shop
Folly 3 location:
Near Pan corner
Blue Follies as Public in neighborhood
Poster 1: Popping out Folly 1 location : public plaza
The elements used were from the neighbourhood balcony.
Poster 2: Series of balcony
Folly 2 location:
commercial complex
Final Design: Concept Posters
1. First Conceptual idea
2. Emphasizing Courtyards and public activities
3. Using wall as continuous design element which creates pockets of events Site location: Abandoned ground besides the LIC Housing Floor plan and ElevationsFinal design: 3D Illustrations
'Movement' as a idea of time
A movement of bodies within the space , a body as a 'wall'
and body as human activity.
So the wall becomes the platform for the activity where the everyday can unfold into the structure and edges can occupy it.