Electrification of Private Vehicles in Pandalam, Kerala

  • Code PG191021
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Shivanand Swamy,Khelan Modi
  • TA Madhura Kawadkar


This portfolio represents a feasibility study on electrification of private vehicles done as part of Semester III in Master of Urban Transport Systems. The project was initiated by understanding electric mobility through extensive literature reviews and international case studies; followed by the development of an analytical framework to assess the demand, financial and environmental impact on electrification private vehicle; and in the last stage, electric mobility strategy and phase-wise implementation plan were developed for the case city. The adoption of electric vehicles is encouraged in India through national and state policies that focus mainly on public transport and intermediate transport fleet. Several cities in the country have an alarming increase in personalized vehicles which is contributing to congestion and the air quality is deteriorating due to GHG emission. This report highlights the need for the adoption of electric private vehicles and the road map for the electrification of private vehicles in a municipal town in Kerala – Pandalam.