Feasibility Study for Adoption of Electric Mobility

  • Code PG190211
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Shivanand Swamy,Khelan Modi
  • TA Madhura Kawadkar


The EV Roadmap of the city focuses specifically on the policy recommendations and strategies for personalized vehicles in the city in particular 2 wheelers and 4 wheelers. 2 wheeler is the highest mode shared in the city and 4 wheeler share is also getting high day by day that led to the need for a shift from ICE to EV in this particular sector of transportation in the city. These strategies address the development of charging infrastructure and its working plan, Deployment process, and government incentives for the same role of state and urban local bodies to implement eclectic mobility. all these actions will significantly reduce pollution levels and GHG emissions. Ahmedabad city is already on the way to the Electric mobility implementation plan by developing charging infrastructure, giving subsidy on electricity traffic, and procurement of vehicles through state and national schemes. In the public transport sector already electric buses are introduced in the city which is functioning up to the mark currently. This study envisaged the road map for personal vehicles and it needs to shift to EV in a similar line with the calculation of financial and economical suitability.