Classroom Aanganwadi | Kalamvihir

  • Student Gaurav Goyal
  • Code UG180178
  • Faculty Technology
  • Tutor/s Mangesh Belsare,Abuzar Puthawala
  • TA Pratik Bagul


The Project is an Aanganwadi in Kalamvihir. Kalamvihir is a small Village/hamlet in Dang Taluka in Dang District of Gujarat State, India. The anganwadi is a child care center which provides information and services in order to uplift the health and education of the children. The basic healthcare activities include regular health check-ups, nutrition education as well as pre-school activities. The aanganwadi is designed to accomodate 50-55 children. The classroom was to be design using Bamboo as the main Construction material. Concept of triangulation is used to eliminate  bending. 
High Quality Portfolio