SAHAYOG - A classroom at Kalamvihir

  • Student Lutharia Hrithik Ajay
  • Code UG190582
  • Faculty Technology
  • Tutor/s Mangesh Belsare,Abuzar Puthawala
  • TA Pratik Bagul


The Sahayog at Kalamvihir, Gujarat is a place made for small kids humming all around the place with their childhood activities happening around. The site is a hilly region with puzzled bamboo, it reflects as a child take care center. The intent of the space is a one storey building having two prisms of 25sqm facing each other with an identical plinth, covers the space as the ground floor. Leading ahead with a linear pathway having three cantilever plates that cover the floor with overhangs facing the sky touching with a beam extended to an open gable roof making the space open, the walls are covered with woven bamboo interlocking with reed sticks of a big thatched roof making the space as a shelter in rain. The wanderings of home care in the classroom now.