Affordable Co living Spaces in Urban Villages

  • Student SAKSHI REDDY
  • Code PG180859
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Umesh Shurpali,Purvi Bhatt,Narendra Mangwani

views Rental Housing in Urban Villages – A case of Thaltej Gamtal, Ahmedabad “Urban Village”, a global phenomenon that affects most of the cities in the world, and its transformation is the subject of the studio. The site chosen is Thaltej Gamtal in Ahmedabad. The Gamtal is located next to a major metro junction and is abutting an arterial road. A transformation is likely to take place with or without an intervention. Many opportunities and challenges were identified after visiting the site and interviewing different stakeholders, including the ex-village sarpanch, a developer from the site and government bodies like Gujarat institute of development and research . As a result a broader topic of affordable rental housing emerged. Any redevelopment project, results in increase in price. This project is making an effort to regulate gentrification so that low income migrants and their families can rely on rental housing in the Gamtal, to gain a foothold into the city and start their journey confidently.