Elements of Urban Design- Urban Placemaking

  • Code PG190913
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Tapan Shah,Vipuja Parmar,Mariana Paisana,Brijesh Bhatha


Urban Design is best understood and expressed through the study and representation of the built urban environment. The studio is structured as an introduction to the representation practices of the elements of urban design and how it is used as a means of design thinking. The main focus of the studio is to study and represent the key urban elements of the cities that are the buildings, urban blocks, streets and public spaces. It was structured in multiple modules which were culminated with an exhibition of the outcome. The first module focuses on methods of effectively capturing and communicating the spatial qualities of the urban built environment. The second module involved design problems involving everyday public places such as streets, neighbourhood open spaces, public infrastructure etc. In the end with the help of the studio exercises the drawings prepared were able to graphically communicate the key spatial characteristics of the project and were able to propose urban design solutions for everyday urban places.