Urban Expansion and Regeneration Planning Studio

  • TA Rishika Bowen | Shyamantika Sarkar | Geet Khurana | Arun Kumar | Rishika Bowen | Shyamantika Sarkar | Geet Khurana | Arun Kumar
  • Code UP4001
  • Faculty Planning


Majority of the cities in India are growing rapidly due to rapid urbanization. Though many of them prepare macro level plans (Development Plans and Master Plans) to manage future growth, these plans provide only focus on overall zoning, trunk network and broad framework for development. These plans, however, remain unimplemented without careful micro-level planning in both green field and brown field areas. This Studio focused on developing core competencies in preparing micro level plans for both, greenfield (TPS) and brownfield (LAP) areas, which go beyond conventional approaches, and integrate multi-disciplinary aspects resulting in high quality environment. In this studio, out of 48 students, 24 (in six groups, with 4 students in each)engaged in preparing local Area Plans in 5 different cities namely-Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, while the rest of 24 (again in six groups, with 4 students in each) prepared Town planning schemes for cities like Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Rajkot, Surat and Mumbai. They dealt with various layers of micro level planning such as understanding the existing context, deriving a vision and a concept, deriving proposals for a robust road network, zoning and regulations, conservation/ preservation of green and heritage, costing and valuation, and implementation framework for the plan. The studio included about 12 presentations by various experts from the field. It also involved detailed understanding of the statutory framework for the preparation of plans and suggestions and recommendations to make change in the existing framework.