An attempt to rejuvenate Pune's CBD - Deccan LAP

  • Code PG190937
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Jignesh Mehta,Harsh Bhasin,Utkarsh Patel,Amit Gotecha


The studio focused on the Deccan area in Pune, Maharashtra. Deccan is the heart of the city & lies on the inner west side of the Pune along the mutha river. It is one of the oldest CBDs and a prime location in Pune. As the area has started evolving from the British period 1818, Deccan has a great heritage and cultural value. Currently, PMRDA has proposed a  Pune metro network throughout the city and 4 important stations pass through Deccan and will act as a TOD corridor in the future. Also, upcoming projects like Pune Riverfront, Pune smart city, Pune bicycle program are becoming more influential and significant than the City Development Plan. Upcoming development in the city should respond to such projects. So, the studio exercise focused on the redevelopment of Deccan through micro-planning by means of a local area plan to provide a contextualized scheme that caters to the future needs of the area. The emphasis was given on the in-depth analysis of existing situation analysis, the issues and challenges on the site, and to plan livable development working in a multidisciplinary environment.