
  • Student Vasanth K S
  • Code UG180656
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Mihir Bedekar
  • TA Kruti v Shah


The project “ tiravam” is set in the city of Baroda consisting of different types of residential, commercial and mixed use neighbourhoods. The concept of designing the bus stop stemmed from the base idea of changing the perception of the people about the general ideas of bus stops. The concept is to deviate from the linearity of things by creating an organic structure allowing fluidity in the design. Additionally the design has not only been done for the bus stop structure but also includes the redesigning of the street inorder to provide certain facilities like cycle tracks, street vending and also parking spaces based on the different site conditions and neighbourhoods. Adhering to the concepts like providing a green bus stop, engaging the passengers during the waiting time and harnessing solar energy the theory of catenary curve is used to guide the design and structure, which provides facilities like charging points and digital advertising panels. A vertical structure is also designed as a part of the street redesigning aspect which acts as an anchor point to the bus stop. The construction process and the materials used in the construction of the structure is also well thought upon. The project aims at making the bus mode of transportation easy, better and interesting to the people.