
  • Student REVATI DESAI
  • Code UD3116
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Prasanth Narayanan,Tulika nabar Bhasin
  • TA Srirang Sohoni,Gokul Kalaimathi k


Indian Cities resemble an unfinished edge symbolic of how we place almost low to zero priority on the state of the built environment as a society. Our traditional towns and cities were structured with their own integral logic but with waves of distress migration, chaotic growth and lack of interest and enthusiasm in the administration and implementation processes. Not being guided by any particular principle or approach, either at micro or macro level, they form this chaotic, cluttered and unstructured image and terrible mediocrity of indian cities. Indian cities have over 90% of its economy as informal, this reverses the idea of Urbanization. Instead of the traditional cities, in which the urban block defines the plotting and further the buildings to make the image of that city, in informal cities buildings (individual or a building block) come together to define plotting and then the larger urban block, which essentially is this undefined edge that indian cities are today.