The vision focuses on enhancing the characteristics of the transit node in Andheri in an attempt to foster inclusivity, ecological sensitivity and quality life for the inhabitants attracted by employment opportunities created at the local and regional level. Flexible and diverse uses are expected within the site as well as in the built form. It should be Self sustainable in terms of energy consumption & climate-responsive; Diverse in terms of horizontal and vertical mix use in order to manage the densities efficiently and thereby reducing the carbon footprint of the city.
The regulations have been extremely over-prescriptive post-independence era which have gradually taken a liberal approach after the economic liberalization. The policies such as ULCRA 1975 and 1999 Cess Building Policy have a major stake in making the real estate unaffordable and have led to exponential growth in high rise developments in the city. The developments in the city are getting more and more exclusive Geographical constraints and various external forces such as real-estate price hike, and immense migration trends post-independence have favored a linear growth along the suburban railway lines. Hence, the city portrays its transit-oriented characteristics on a macro scale but on a micro scale, the automobile oriented streets do not offer adequate infrastructure for the non-motorized transportThe strategies highlighted work towards having the emerging built form to be self sustainable in terms of activities/Land uses and in terms of energy. The built environment shall be sensitive to the human dimension and comfort. In terms of inclusivity, it shall have affordable housing, ecological open spaces incorporated within the built environment. The uses across the site will be distributed in accordance to the time scale in order to achieve diversity and an appropriate mix which neither conEvolution of the vision plan to the structural planThe urban conditions are selected on the basis of the proximity to a transit node, ecological open space and the public open space. The conditions also explore on the public-private interface as a consequence of changes in the setbacks/Building heights, changes in the land use or the presence or absence of open space.Urban Conditon:01
The block around the Andheri Railway Station and Andheri Bus Depot
Urban Condition:02
Residential Block around the ecological open space
Urban Condition: 03
Residential and commercial block devoid of open spaces
Urban Condition:04
Residential, Commercial and Institutional around a public open space
Urban 05:
Residential and institutional around the public and ecological open space
Urban 06:
Dominantly residential around a public open space.
Plot porosity and public access; Higher Ground cover to plot area ratio; Built to Open enclosure ,staggering complimenting uses based on time scale and visually and physically inclusive edges are the non-negotiable relationships and entities for the desired development around the transit nodes in MumbaiAndheri, currently functioning as one of the prime transit hubs after Dadar, is also envisioned as an upcoming employment centre as per the Development Plan 2034. Henceforth the vision is to enhance the characteristics of the transit node in Andheri in an attempt to foster inclusivity, ecological sensitivity and quality life for the inhabitants attracted by employment opportunities created at the local and regional level.