The Forest City

  • Code UA9216
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Jagrut Patel,Dhaval Gajjar
  • TA Tanya Khurana


Our planet now has reached a stage where if we don’t act now towards its greens, wilderness and climate then scientists predict that by 2080 most places on earth will become uninhabitable. Hence to prevent a mass extinction in the coming years, every small or big thing and person must start working towards the betterment of the environment. Along with the overall betterment of the world, people also need to become aware of their health and fitness. Thus, projects encouraging physical and mental well-being of the users will become a key focus soon. These spaces will also help in generating more interaction among the users which has currently become less by the advent of the virtual world. The key focus throughout the semester in the shifts and design is to generate an experience of a mini-city where every individual is thriving towards the betterment of themselves and the planet.