Flitch beam truss system

  • Student Charmi Ashish Soni
  • Code UG190279
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Maulik Oza,Vishnu Thozhur kolleri
  • TA Dhruvil Mistry


The studio aims at understanding and exploring details and how the details put together to make a structure. The studio started with analyzing the case studies from which one was taken forward. The second part was selecting the joinery of your choice and translating the same into a different material such that the core properties of the joinery remain the same. The third part constituted of designing a structure using that joinery The final destination in this case is a repetition of a truss system made up of flitch beams (metal plates sandwiched between wooden patties). Each truss is, in turn, made up of space frames bent to form an arch which results in higher stability of the structure. The usage of flitch beams has decreased the overall weight of the structure, along with less weight the structure also achieves a high slenderness ratio. Flitch beams help in greater tensile as well as compressive strength due to fusion of two different materials with different properties.