• Tutor/s Kireet Patel | Rishav Jain | Aparajita Basu
  • Code ID4015-2
  • Faculty Design


The Big Rethink is a series of postgraduate interior design studios focused on developing a multitude of notions, approaches, positions and arguments within the interior design field. This semester, the third one in the series, the studio challenges the concept of Interior Materiality in interior design. It offers an opportunity to develop a design position in different contexts by questioning preconceived notions of interior design. It emphasizes the relationship between Interior materiality and its expression, identity and design outcomes. The first four weeks are a part of the common FD PG Foundation, where students from all streams work together to develop skills and abilities in drawing and making. The latter part of the studio is divided into two modules: the first builds an argument on interior materiality and the second module explores three key roles of an interior designer with each student working on three smaller projects. Role one focuses on practices that work within the context of an era role two focuses on practices that are sited within the standardisation of the typical floor plan and role three challenges the boundaries between interior design and architecture. The studio focuses on representing experiential and ephemeral qualities, planning and organising strategies, detailing and construction techniques, through the lens of interior materiality.