• Code PUI20268
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Mona Iyer,Meera Mehta,Siddh Doshi


Reclaiming River Habitat via Used Water: Nature as Infrastructure Zoned withing river bed. This project intervenes in the disposal component of the Ahmedabad city sanitation cycle.
Sabarmati is taking the liability for Ahmedabad's pollution, more than 120Km of river stretch is dead after Ahmedabad, and the exponential Increment in water scarcity puts Ahmedabad in extreme conditions to complete its urban reusable water cycle immediately. 
This project rectifies the loopholes of citywide complete environmental sanitation for Ahmedabad via transforming river bed into nature-based water regeneration & retention system to bring an agrobiodiversity based economy & tourism to serve and preserve the river.