• Code UI2917
  • Faculty Design
  • Tutor/s Mohammedayazkhan Pathan
  • TA Adnan Makda


Site: Riverfront-Paldi Built-up Area: 1000 Sq.mProgram: Knowledge Line Library  Type of Library: Public Library  A library is a space where people not only come to gain knowledge but also to connect with certain forms of experience and this fosters them to learn and grow. This public library focuses mainly on interactive spaces communicating with Art and Design, for Artists, Designers, and local people. Vision: The development of the Library is related to the development of society. The closest profession relating to society are Artists and Designers today dealing with a number of things with their root development. Hence, creating a Public Library for Artists and Designers in the city of Ahmedabad, where Art and Design can be a strong medium to communicate. Why Artists and Designers Space?: Instead of the Library being just a reading place for Art and Design, creating a space for Artists and Designers to come together and find the development of interaction along with each other learning with an experience of being at comfort. Target Audience: Artists, Designers, Local People. Today, very few relating to this profession know its importance. Hence, bringing it out in society is important as well. Hence, the target is not only Artists and Designers. Some spaces allow common people to indulge and gain knowledge through interaction. Focus: Learning and recreational opportunities, with silent spaces for study and information, places to collaborate, accessible collection display, traveling exhibitions, digital literacy.