• Code UA3617
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Martin Anzellini,Harshil Parekh
  • TA Khushi Makwana


The project aims to understand the relationships between the programmes and functions that are necessary in the present and for the future of the rural, in this case, the village of Oda Chhota in the foothills of the Aravalli Mountain Range. The issues identified currently affect the agrarian nature of the community where excessive mining in the Aravalli Range has polluted the soil and the groundwater which has adverse effects on their agricultural produce and cattle. Experimental farms, a cattle shelter and harvesting rainwater are seen as functions that together as a programme would help sustain the agrarian practice of Oda Chhota. Further, the relationship of these function-oriented spaces is looked at with respect to ideas of living and public place.