• Code UA2917
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Sachin Soni
  • TA Nilosha Dave


Infrastructure is the physical structure and facilities necessary for the operation of any society. But these facilities are merely seen as functional necessities that are robust. They form a vast network that is spread throughout the city. These structures have a great possibility to become social spaces. This will eventually enhance the quality of life in smaller neighborhoods and later the entire city. Taking inspiration from Nolli’s map, the studio aims to explore the possibility to reintegrate these infrastructures into the urban fabric and not designed in isolation. It looks at how these spaces cater to the needs and aspirations of the city and its people rather than being mere facilities. 
Vastral forms a diversely rich neighborhood due to the presence of 3 various groups - the suburbs, the gam, and the religious institutions. All three have various perspectives for Vastral and also differ culturally, socially, and economically. SP Ring Road also creates a notional boundary between the suburb and the gam. The station envisions becoming a threshold that breaks these boundaries and ties people from diverse backgrounds through everyday experiences.