- Student Patel Vedant Ketulkumar
- Code UG191492
- Faculty Technology
- Tutor/s Bhargav Tewar,Nikunj Dave
- TA Krupansh Patel
The goal of this studio was to develop an understanding of concrete as a flexible material. examining the various qualities of concrete and improving it for specific use in daily life. This studio's major goal was to teach students how to choose the appropriate grade and type of concrete for various uses and acceptable products. The most recent advancements in the field of concrete construction are included, and it offers a thorough discussion of both the theoretical and practical sides of the subject. The studio has been designed to give students a detailed understanding of concrete as a development material and its various components. Studio discusses how all elements behave in regard to their physical qualities, how concrete is made, how to position it, and how to ensure its quality before, during, and after concreting operations. The characteristics of concrete, its components, and how different admixtures can change certain characteristics to meet particular needs. In the beginning, we started with examining raw materials, such as looking into their qualities. We conducted tests in accordance with the IS Code to determine their qualities and what they mean for concrete. After gaining a thorough grasp of the raw ingredients, we started making concrete by volume batching and tested the qualities of both fresh and hardened concrete as well as the impact of the water-cement ratio on the strength and other properties of the concrete. Following this activity, we started making concrete by weighing batches and checking the qualities of both fresh and hardened concrete as well as the impact of the water-cement ratio on the strength and other characteristics of the concrete. The following exercise required us to create and implement the CRDF logo. Cost control, internal group collaboration, and a crucial formwork scenario were all things we learned. By performing this experiment, we were able to see how the workability of concrete is influenced by the amount, type, and timing of the components added as well as the mixing time. Following that, we were given a concrete mix design exercise in which we were to determine the mix proportions for the specified grade of concrete. Making a remarkable Concrete that may be used in daily life was the studio's final exercise. We researched global problems and came up with a solution by creating unique concrete that would solve the specific problem. Working with concrete and having a completely remarkable experience can provide a different level of comprehension than merely reading about concrete in books and theories. This workshop starts with the fundamental components of concrete and then progresses to outstanding varieties of unique concrete created by us.