• Student Archita Chanderprakash Varyani
  • Code UG180076
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Rajiv Kadam
  • TA Abhirami Prabhakaran rk


1. Pedestrian-friendly neighborhood: 1.1 To enhance the walking experience 1.2 Pedestrianism to be supported with a social function- To create attractive points The Bansidhar neighborhood in Ahmedabad, Gujarat is not a pedestrian-friendly and interactive neighborhood because of its lack of well-designed and maintained pause points ( urban infrastructure). An individual limits his movement to the street, forming a mundane routine. The lack of attractive points outside the garden makes the space dull, isolated, and inactive. In the present scenario, the neighborhood cannot bring activity on the street, get people onto the streets, and encourage people to engage and claim the streets rather than only stay in their homes. Pedestrianism should be supported with a social function that could be achieved through attractive public spaces and variations of or versatility in urban functions within these spaces to engage pedestrians from their monotonous routine and enhance their walking experience. 
2. Personalization of spaces: 2.1 To create a sense of emotional security and sense of belonging It is necessary to dissect and study the space to humanize our urban spaces into effective public places. There are three essential components to study; outside, threshold, and inside. People along with functions add character to these spaces making them a place. There is a significant gradation in the Bansidhar neighborhood. The central space, the Bansidhar garden, is associated with recreational activities like walking, exercising, meditation, play area, etc. At the same time, the periphery is predominantly commercial with a high footfall of informal vendors on the edges.
3. Self- Sufficient neighborhood
Based on the activity mapping and analysis of vendors and grocery stores, it was found that the Bansi Dhar neighborhood has a high potential to serve as a live-work neighborhood due to the presence of women's centers and the high footfall of vendors living in and near the neighborhood. This also creates a potential for vertical farming which is an integral component of the design. Hence the name Agrarian urbanism, generating livelihood and making Bansidhar a self-sufficient neighborhood.