- Student Tank Jaimin Kaushikbhai
- Code UG190624
- Faculty Technology
- Tutor/s Dipsha Shah,Dipen Mehta
- TA Varun Doulatani,Rudra Dhaduk
The journey started in the Plumbing Design Studio by exploring plumbing services of our own house which gave basic ideas about the sizes of pipes, fittings, types of fixtures available along with understanding their connections. Then next was plumbing design for the assigned project ‘Hotel at Jamnagar’, which was designed to REDUCE freshwater consumption. The architectural digital model was prepared to understand the spaces and arrangement of fixtures, and the plumbing model was made according to the designed system to understand the connections. Plumbing related interesting topic was explored, ‘Centralized Vs. Decentralized Hot Water System’. And in the working model exercise, a ‘Vertical Garden’ was prepared. All the things we have learned throughout the studio were combining practical aspects with theoretical designing from NBC.