• Code PUH22467
  • Faculty Planning
  • Tutor/s Rutul Joshi,Umesh Shurpali,Anil kumar Roy,Ravi Sannabhadti,Nitika Bhakuni,Narendra Mangwani,Arjun Joshi,Tarun Patel,Rushil Palavajjhala ,Giby Abraham
  • TA Sreedevi Kurur,Priyanka Baghel,Chinmay Gheware,Richa Bihari,Ratik Verma,Kirti chandra Devaguptapu,Rohini Chatterjee,Annesha Dasgupta,Arkadipta Banerjee,Garima Munjal


The portfolio is a compilation of weekly outputs based on pre-designed exercises focusing on different aspects of the precinct assigned. The analysis is presented in the form of inferences and arguments. The study involved mapping and observing the assigned precinct. Quantifying the data collected through surveys conducted on site led to interesting findings that are furnished in the portfolio. Conflicting interests between different stakeholders, financial and administrative constraints within the broad goals of livability, sustainability and equity in the city have also been studied.