• Tutor/s Manuel M de las heras
  • TA Ronak v Shah
  • Code UR2017
  • Faculty Planning


We can ask ourselves some questions to break up some preconceived notions: Why have the terrible conditions of city landscape been accepted by most? Why aren’t basic attributes of firmitas, utilitas and venustas that we designers claim to follow not applicable in the urban domain? Can urban designers get involved in the integral process and collaborate to solve problems? Analyzing the existing scenario of informal sector working at the streets, we can observe the use of remaining interspaces of the urban fabric as an undefined threshold, that equally belongs to the public realm of the city and their private and domestic domain. The issue of street vendors in urban agglomerations has always garnered debate. Rather than being solved, this conflict is becoming more critical at the global level, especially in rapidly developing Asian countries. How can we change the current mentality and perception of citizens to start valuing a well-organized city? The course aimed at analyzing the existing urban scenario, followed examples of case studies, and developed a catalogue of designs and physical solutions for this particular scenario.