Conservation Frameworks

  • Tutor/s Ashna Patel | Sabrina Khan patel
  • TA Zeus Pithawalla
  • Code CR4003
  • Faculty Architecture


The Conservation Frameworks Studio of Masters in Conservation and Regeneration (MCR), CEPT University was intended towards engaging students in the third Semester of MCR with Research Projects taken up in Practice in order to provide students with fair exposure and depth in the practice of conservation. This Studio was introduced as an unconventional exploration in online teaching and was intended towards engaging students of the third semester of MCR. Considering the limited site engagements possible this semester, the students were involved with Research Projects based on secondary data, guided by an expert. In order to better prepare students for the studio, a two-week preparatory module was planned before the semester commenced. This module was designed to equip students with adequate research skills before they began the Conservation Frameworks program. It mainly covered an overview of typical methods and approaches to research and academic writing that enabled students to effectively develop a research proposal.