Master plan Studio

  • Tutor/s Tapan Shah | Brijesh Bhatha | Purvi Bhatt | Vipuja Parmar
  • Code UD4001-1
  • Faculty Planning


The studio focuses on the design of large green field developments in urban areas. To respond to the demand of expansion in the rapidly growing urban centres, governments facilitate such new developments through various development mechanisms. Two key development mechanisms are adopted for such green field expansions in cities: viz - 1. development promoted under IntegratedTownship Policy –this is a developer drivenactivity and involves design on a large tract of land which is under single ownership, 2. development promoted through Town Planning Schemes(TPS)which is a government driven exercise and also involves large tract of land, however with multiple stakeholder in the form of land owners.Both these mechanisms involve creation of street networks, identifying public open spaces and infrastructure facilities, defining land and building uses along with building height and bulk for the development, and hence are finally responsible increating specific urban character of these newly developed areas. As the outcome of these developments involve how liveable these places are, it is important to bring the urban design sensitivity into these processes and to bring specific focus on the design of public places and in defining the overall urban character of these developments.