• Faculty Foundation Program

Ex 06: Public Realm

Ex 06: Public Realm

The exercise aims to introduce students to the multiple types of public realm and the associated ambiguity to their management and use. The key outputs involved an in depth spatial analysis of a selected public space detailing out the manner in which it is occupied and used. 

The public realm is co owned, co acted and co produced and with the ownership lying with all those who dwell in the city. It is a space of numerous contestations by different groups such as street vendors, pedestrians and vehicles. The design and management of this falls to urban planners and designers, making it an important element of cities to be studied and understood. 

The students first identified the different types of public realm that existed in their precincts. Post this they were asked to categorize the identified sites based on the degree of accessibility based on gender, time and restrictions faced due to other factors. Based on the categorization, a single public space was selected and the student was to undertake a detailed spatial analysis of the selected site. The mapping captured, points of access, level of porosity, materiality, stakeholders and their usage.