• Faculty Foundation Program

Ex 08: Mid-term Synthesis

Ex 08: Mid-term Synthesis

UTC studio’s urban synthesis is aimed at forming connections between the various themes that are studied in the studio under the focus of physical form, structure and infrastructure of the city. The final output is in the form of a synthesis panel which analyses themes that the studio has explored. 

A city’s built form, structure and infrastructure do not exist in isolation from one another. It is imperative that in order to understand a city, all its factors and parameters be studied in response to each other. These parameters are interdependent and in order to design or plan one aspect a holistic approach is required. Hence, these parameters have been studied as layers that are inextricable and impact one another.  

The synthesis was presented in the form of a mid-semester exhibition. For this exercise, the students are re-grouped based on proximity of clusters. As a group, students prepared two panels; one along the idea of comparative urbanism to analyze and compare the precincts at cluster level. The second panel looks at a city level study based on a predefined thematic lens based on the preference of the respective tutor.