• Code PLA23283
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Nikhil Dhar,Rushika Khanna,Prasanna Mattikop,Priyal Shah


In the heart of this lush and verdant forest, fauna present mark territories and carve paths forging their habitats. The phenomenon, sometimes temporal and often cyclic, form patterns or ‘Fleeting Silhouettes’, an intricate dance that transitions between settings. These silhouettes are not the product of human artistry but rather are ephemeral trails left behind by the diverse fauna that inhabit this pristine ecosystem.They serve as a profound reminder of the delicate balance and intricate interplay between creatures and their surroundings. Fauna present in the forest have not merely adapted to their environment; they have become integral to its very essence. Each silhouette is a testament to their survival strategies, and their place in the complex web of life. As seasons change and challenges arise, these creators leave their marks, their stories, and their indomitable spirit imprinted upon the forest, even as their silhouettes fleetingly appear and disappear with the passage of time. The study looks at tracing trails made by fauna which are usually undetected as a pattern from normal human eyes. The trails they have made are based on their habitats’, which include places where they forage, mate and breed, and require shelter, natural water bodies and food sources. These trails have a large impact on forest settings and this will be further explored. These trails start to showcase areas that are vulnerable and frequently visited by multiple fauna and also showcase certain natural boundaries, limiting factors or hurdles that dictate the movement of fauna. The cores, transitions between settings and distinct settings themselves all become patches or corridors that facilitate this interaction.