• Code PCM23163
  • Faculty Technology
  • Tutor/s Ganesh Devkar,Devanshu Pandit,Manish Trivedi,Kavita Ganguli,Vatsal Patel
  • TA Saiyam Shah,Viraj Rane


The city generates 4500 tons of solid waste per day, which adds up to 80 lakh tons and poses serious environmental problems. In response, the Municipal Corporation is moving ahead with plans to build a 500 TPD biomethanation plant in partnership with the private sector. With 500 tons processed daily, this project seeks to resolve the problem. Before beginning any project, it is crucial to comprehend its goals and overall scope. Context analysis, Problem Analysis, Option Analysis, and Risk Managment are all included. These kinds of actions must be carried out alone while the project is just starting. It provides a realistic picture of the project, helping in assessing its viability.