• Student Dantani Tashu Sureshbhai
  • Code UIR20147
  • Faculty Design
  • Tutor/s Ratna Shah,Errol Reubens
  • TA Ananda Krishnan


More than a Seed is a seed museum based on the seed layers serving different purposes located in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Highlights the value addition of seeds, via extraction, which is different from the given function of lineage succession. Visitors take back the message of being more than what we are. To make a museum more than a museum insertion of secondary programs has also been done that allow visitors to spend more time in museum space. By understanding the site, the insertion of the program with the box-in-a-box adaptive reuse strategy has been done. The spaces have been created by deriving the tectonic language from Braque’s The Musician and Sou Fujimoto's The Cloud. 
 From Braque concealing revealing and layering have been taken where layering has been integrated in terms of experiences as well as different layers of information and the layers in spaces by varying visual connections that allow interconnection in spaces as per the activity in space. Fujimoto’s skeleton is being used from the scale of the furniture to the support for the entry roof it covers all the scales being used as a display, partition, support, seating, and lighting wherever needed in different forms and scales the module of the grid has been changed and material applications have been done.