• Tutor/s Mona Iyer | Meera Mehta
  • Code UI4001
  • Faculty Planning

Planning for sustainable, efficient and equitable provision of water and sanitation services in cities is one of the most pressing issues of this century as pointed out by UN. Fast growing urban centres house millions of people living with limited access to basic services such as safe water, sanitation. solid waste and stormwater services contributing to poor health conditions, pollution loads in natural water systems. exposure to flooding. This studio includes situation assessment of : water, sanitation, storm water, solid waste infrastructure in the city and its immediate periphery: intersectoral linkages, institutional and financial capacity : available national and global technical options; relevant policies and programs. It leads to formulation of strategic individual project appraisal document in each sector which includes need assessment, scope, identification of suitable technical solution, implementation mechanism, block cost estimates, phasing, sources of finance, impacts and benefits.