• Student Adreja Dey
  • Code UAR20008
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Manuel M de las heras,Sanskruti Panchal
  • TA Shashikant Bhambhani (VF)


There is a 150 year old heritage building in the Old City of Ahmedabad which is been converted into a Multi Faith Prayer space and Digital Cemetery through the concept of Adaptive Re-use.
The Multi-faith prayer is a space for all religions where one can have their own individual prayer, meditation and reflection. There is no timing or any restriction for anyone. Every individual is the same inside this space irrespective of age, sex, caste or religion. The space is calm, clean and surrounded by nature where everyone can pray the sun and nature and celebrate their cultures together. 
Digital cemetery is a perpetuation place to mourn and remember the dead. The family and friends of a person who passed away can gather all the digital data and then they are gathered in to a memorial archive or library, a neutral place to come and remember their beloved people instead of sitting in front of stone trying to imagine the face and memories.