• Student Aeshna Jignesh Khandwala
  • Code UG190057
  • Faculty Design
  • Tutor/s Ankita Trivedi,Ishita Jain
  • TA Advait Patel


The Museum of Obsolete Technological Objects is an experiential and informative amalgamation of interactive exhibits talking in detail about the objects that have turned obsolete along with a glimpse of the technology, process and outcomes achieved. It makes one feel nostalgic and live in simpler times where owning any of these objects was a symbol of status and pride. The obsolescence of technology, the device, it’s process of use and outputs are displayed via video instructions and original manuals. 
Recreation of Mohan Niwas and letting visitors use the obsolete technological devices. One gets to have a hands on experience of technology that existed before it got so advanced. 
A holistic experience which immerses the senses of sight, smell and touch is curated such that the visitor can re-live the era and experience the objects when they were not obsolete. The exhibits later answer WHY and HOW did obsolescence take place and what were it’s impacts.