• Student Eyaleigai Vivekanandan
  • Code UAR20240
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Vishwanath Kashikar
  • TA Ved Patel


The chaos of the city is a never ending cycle in the routine of an urban dweller. The project looks at housing as a space for one to dwell and take a break from it. A series of layers take one away from the hustle and bustle of the outside to the cocoon of one’s home. At the site level, the building acts as a continuous band that physically separates the inside of the site from the outside world. The monolithic-ness of this layer is broken such that there are housing blocks of two different heights, with the outer shielding and cocooning the other. Further, its walls itself transform with double layers of skin, giving depth to the facade. At the unit level, the layering is interpreted as residing within thick walls that shelters one from the outside. Further, this perceived thickness, created by burrowing into the thickness, is advantageous to a user as it offers storage spaces and plinths. Thus, the home is a safe space for one to let go and be themselves while they are out to carve a niche for themselves in the city.