• Student Parekh Simran Ankit
  • Code UAR20138
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Snehal Shah
  • TA Nishtha Mehta,Shannon Maria


The project is situated at Kochrab Ashram, Ahmedabad, and responds to the site through positioning, architectural language, and climate. The project aims to channel the Gandhian values of collective strength, truth and simplicity through architecture. The main prayer hall is a space for communal prayer. It is a dark sanctum, where the journey of withdrawal from the external world is enhanced by light, difference in materiality and play in levels. It demonstrates a strong sense of interiority, with a cutout wall as a key element. The prayer cells are built as a space for self reflection. Like the prayer hall, they use aspects of levels and light to enhance the act of prayer. Thee cells maintain visual connectivity with the surrounding landscape, sky, and water body.