- Student Meenakshi A
- Code UUR21087
- Faculty Planning
- Tutor/s Parth Patel,Forum Shah
- TA Shrayana Ray
As the site is located in a very compact cityscape like the old city of Ahmedabad with little to no openspace for people to gather, to just get away from there usual lifestyle, or to even make it part of their regular lifestyle, the intention of this design is to be that quick getaway. This Project focuses on promoting active lifestyle of the neighboring community and the immediate context which will be accessing the space using green cover. the project focuses on making sure that this space acts as a quick getaway for the people around from the buzzling cityscape. The concept has depended on the tree scape such as mounds and trees lawns and other environmental elements to promote leisure and a sense of peace for anybody that accesses the site. The aim of this project has been focused on the users to actively represent the use of a space between buildings.