• Code PID22224
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Yatin Pandya
  • TA Nihal Galathia


Shakti Mills is predominantly known for its “Criminal History or Injustice” towards women, owing to two separate incidents of brutal sexual assault that occurred in 2013 inside the mill compound. These incidents highlighted the issue of women’s safety in public spaces and led to widespread outrage and discussions about gender violence in India. Thus, Completely Transforming this site into a space which is specifically designed for women symbolizes a “Metamorphosis Process” - a profound shift from a place associated with victimization to one dedicated to women’s safety, growth, and empowerment. The goal was to create a space that accommodates women from diverse backgrounds and various age ranges. “A step toward fostering a more equitable and inclusive society, empowering women to reach their full potential.”