• Code PSD23139
  • Faculty Technology
  • Tutor/s Bhairav Patel,Meet satishkumar Shah,Aashlesh Gandhi
  • TA Manan Palan,Karan Dalal


The course is focused on understanding the different materials and application of the material in actual Design practices. The process in designing any structure was emphasized throughout the whole semester studio course. Studio involved activities which help in inculcating practical based knowledge, analyzing the structure both manually and software based so that it improves the mathematical skills, verification of calculation the software results were the main point of study. This project is about the design of roofing for the badminton court of the FD building using primary material i.e., steel. The aim of this project is to understand the material to be used, form finding and form development process, development of the structural system, preliminary design and sizing of the elements and analysis, and preliminary detailing of the structural components of the project.