- Code PFP23423
- Faculty Planning
- Tutor/s Anil kumar Roy,Rutul Joshi,Tarun Patel,Umesh Shurpali,Maulik Chauhan,Arjun Joshi,Rushil Palavajjhala ,Jay Bhanushali,Ravi Sannabhadti,Nitika Bhakuni,Tarunkumar Sharma
Nikol is a Industrial Suburban neighborhood located 12 km from the central business district. It is characterized by mid ranged land prices, small residential units, and a large informal sector. The neighborhood is home to a number of small scale embroidery industries. In recent years, there has been a trend towards the construction of apartments in Nikol, as land availability is limited and demand is high. The future of Nikol is likely to see the development of a high-rise skyline.