• Code PHD22137
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Tutor/s Narendra Mangwani,Dhaval Gajjar
  • TA Healik Doshi,Aswin Senthil,Jigar Rathod


In a typical housing, the practice is about having units and blocks repeated on site. The reason for the repetition is ease of construction, speed of construction, easy sale of units and to achieve Fsi. In today’s mass housing scenario, the site plan requires unique unit plans which offers light, ventilation, views and experience. Hence the units may not be same as they open to different direction to different context and surrounding. The Keshavbagh site has range of site surrounding from high-rise commercial to lowrise residential buildings. The site has 7 surrounding conditions –Asopalo,IIM,residential,commercial,itc narmada,keshavbagh party plot.The 11 types of tailor made units are designed responding to all the site conditions.This contextually-responsive design approach improves the character of spaces and living conditions, and also results in a unique design solution.