• Student Priyam Bhatt
  • Code UG191072
  • Faculty Technology
  • Tutor/s Dipsha Shah,Devesh Shah
  • TA Nihal Patel


Learning about different technologies used in water treatment and sewage treatment plants. In a society with the scarcity of fresh water ever increasing. There is a need to reclaim sewage water and treat it to reuse it. The objective is to design a plant efficiently and calculate the cost of reclaimed water to fresh water in non-human use cases. The design of two plants is done, the first one being a water treatment plant of 17.5 MLD capacity and a Sewage Treatment Plant of 25 MLD capacity. Keeping in mind the CPHEEO guidelines for water and sewage treatment. The levels were studied and a basic flow diagram was created in keeping with the natural slope. The design was carried out for all the facilities to be provided in the treatment plants and was laid out on the layout. The hydraulic flow calculations were done simultaneously, calculating the net head loss followed by cost analysis.