• Tutor/s Saswat Bandyopadhyay | Neeru Bansal
  • TA Smeet Maniar
  • Code UI4006
  • Faculty Planning


Citywide sanitation planning involves several sub-sectors and institutions engaged in planning, designing, delivery and management of sanitary Services. This studio intends to develop a detailed understanding of how city-level sanitation plans are prepared and integrated with city-wide sanitation proposals and visions. Participants will work in teams to deal with Macro to micro as well as sectoral issues and develop an integrated perspective of City sanitation planning, including norms and regulations, assessment of demand- supply issues, identification and prioritisation of projects and Investment programming. The overall studio structure shall be as under: • Perception Studies ( 2 weeks) • Baseline Data Collection and City Sanitation Profiling ( 4Weeks) • Development of Draft City Wide Sanitation Plan ( 6 weeks) • Pilot Demonstration Proposal(4 weeks) The key Sanitation Infrastructure elements are proposed to be covered as under: • Water Supply • Access to Toilets (HH, Community/Shared, Public) • Waste Water (On site/Off Site) • Storm Water, Water Bodies, Drainage • Municipal Solid waste • Cleaning and Management of Soak pits, Septic Tanks and Faecal Sludge Decentralised Waste Water Treatments (DEWATS) • Emergency Sanitation Infrastructure