• Tutor/s Snehal Shah
  • TA Bageshri Thakar | Karan Makwana
  • Code AR3048
  • Faculty Architecture
  • Level L3 Studio Unit


Every society needs appropriate infrastructure to keep convicts at bay and reform them. Prisons should be designed with utmost care and concern such that the sentenced get respect from the society once out of their sentence. Currently, there is dire demand to improve these facilities for this neglected segment of society. For an architect it is pertinent to create an aesthetic and substantial architectural language for a better infrastructure. Therefore, studio will attempt to question very fact of making a place – be it for prayer or power, play or pause, punishment or reformation. Students were encouraged to take theoretical positions by focusing on four important aspects of society Power, Panopticon, Paradox and Passion. Though site visits of appropriate buildings and nuanced readings of these themes, students attempted to create a statement of working with a paradox to create a Prison, a Place of Reformation.