Eco Warriors [edible to productive landscapes]

  • Tutor/s Mansi Shah | Chandrani Chakrabarti
  • TA Chandani Patel
  • Code UR3005
  • Faculty Planning


The studio pivots on the link between city, food and productive landscapes. Today, as large numbers of people live in cities depending on the supply of food from far away areas the link to food is invariably extensive and invisible and the spatial connection to food is more relevant than ever. Further, the needs and lifestyles of our growing society put huge stress on environmental systems and natural cycles. The studio ECO WARRIORS focused on speculative design proposals advocating potential synergies between productive landscapes and urban development. In this unit, students conceived and generated innovative ideas of productive public realm centered around the themes of improved agricultural productivity, enhancement of biodiversity, and ecologically sensitive urban designs. The central idea was to create a resilient ecological infrastructure through intensification of native landscapes that will incorporate food-producing spaces in various scales across the city.